Corner Lot, 2011
Corner Lot, 2011

acrylic ink, flashe, metal leaf, and gouache on Yupo

84" x 120"

Arm In Arm in Arm, 2010
Arm In Arm in Arm, 2010

acrylic ink, flashe, enamel pen, permanent marker on Yupo

60" x 76"

Habber Dashed, 2010
Habber Dashed, 2010

acrylic ink and flashe on Yupo

26" x 20"

In The Evening, 2010
In The Evening, 2010

acrylic ink, flashe, gouache, enamel pen, permanent marker on Yupo

96" x 60"


Night Beat, 2010
Night Beat, 2010

acrylic ink and flashe on Yupo

84" x 60"

In The Fold, 2010
In The Fold, 2010

acrylic ink, wallpaper, flashe on Yupo

40" x 26" (sold)

Pillow Road, 2010
Pillow Road, 2010

acrylic ink, flashe, gouache and gold leaf on Yupo

60" x 96"

Silver Dream, 2010
Silver Dream, 2010

acrylic ink and silver leaf on Yupo

26" x 40"

Love In Plasma, 2010
Love In Plasma, 2010

acrylic ink, flashe, gouache and silver leaf on Yupo

96" x 60"

Poisoned Optimist, 2010
Poisoned Optimist, 2010

acrylic ink, flashe, gouache, enamel pen, permanent marker on Yupo

60" x 48" (sold)

Roll Back, 2010
Roll Back, 2010

acrylic ink, flashe, silver leaf and permanent marker on Yupo

55" x 48"

In Them Hills, 2010
In Them Hills, 2010

mixed media on Yupo

60" x 48" (sold)

Forever Blue, 2010
Forever Blue, 2010

acrylic ink and flashe  on Yupo

26" x 20

Mumbai Holiday, 2010
Mumbai Holiday, 2010

mixed media on Yupo

40" x 26" (sold)

Lakeside Arsenal, 2010
Lakeside Arsenal, 2010

acrylic ink, flashe and gouache on Yupo

40" x 26"

Vintage Me, 2009
Vintage Me, 2009

mixed media on Yupo

40" x 26"

She King, 2009
She King, 2009

mixed media on Yupo

40" x 26" (sold)

Young Echo, 2009
Young Echo, 2009

mixed media on Yupo

40" x 26"

Twirl Fool, 2009
Twirl Fool, 2009

mixed media on Yupo

40" x 26" (sold)

Ages Spent, 2009
Ages Spent, 2009

mixed media on Yupo

40" x 26" (sold)

Sunken Glory, 2009
Sunken Glory, 2009

mixed media on Yupo

40" x 26" (sold)

The Taker, 2009
The Taker, 2009

mixed media on Yupo

40" x 26" 

Luv U!!!, 2009
Luv U!!!, 2009

mixed media on Yupo

40" x 26"

You Mother, 2008
You Mother, 2008

acrylic ink, gouache and flashe on Yupo

60" x 48"

Hard Wired, 2008
Hard Wired, 2008

mixed media on Yupo

60" x 48" (sold)

Collared, 2008
Collared, 2008

mixed media on Yupo

26" x 20" 

Carrot Top, 2008
Carrot Top, 2008

mixed media on Yupo

26" x 20" (sold)

Gold Digger, 2008
Gold Digger, 2008

mixed media on Yupo

26" x 20"

Cherry Head, 2008
Cherry Head, 2008

mixed media on Yupo

26" x 20" (sold)

Ribbons & Bows, 2008
Ribbons & Bows, 2008

mixed media on Yupo

26" x 20"

Remnant, 2008
Remnant, 2008

mixed media on Yupo

60" x 48"

Pucci Blowout, 2008
Pucci Blowout, 2008

mixed media on Yupo

26" x 20" (sold)

Star Power, 2006
Star Power, 2006

acrylic on linen

72" x 48"

Molehill Mountain, 2006
Molehill Mountain, 2006

acrylic on linen

60" x 60"

Above Beyond, 2006
Above Beyond, 2006

acrylic and enamel on linen

48" x 72"

Princess Weigh In, 2006
Princess Weigh In, 2006

acrylic and mixed media on linen

60" x 60"

Rise and Roll, 2006
Rise and Roll, 2006

acrylic and mixed media on linen

36" x 36"

War Baby, 2006
War Baby, 2006

acrylic, enamel and permanent marker on canvas

35" x 35"

Go Go, 2006
Go Go, 2006

acrylic, enamel and permanent marker on linen

24" x 24"

Romp, 2006
Romp, 2006

acrylic, gouache, permanent marker and spray paint on linen

24" x 24"

Still Counting, 2006
Still Counting, 2006

acrylic, gouache and permanent marker on linen

24" x 24"

Token, 2006
Token, 2006

acrylic, gouache and permanent marker on linen

24" x 20"

Patriotic Salute, 2006
Patriotic Salute, 2006

acrylic, gouache and permanent marker on linen

24" x 24"

Corner Lot, 2011
Arm In Arm in Arm, 2010
Habber Dashed, 2010
In The Evening, 2010
Night Beat, 2010
In The Fold, 2010
Pillow Road, 2010
Silver Dream, 2010
Love In Plasma, 2010
Poisoned Optimist, 2010
Roll Back, 2010
In Them Hills, 2010
Forever Blue, 2010
Mumbai Holiday, 2010
Lakeside Arsenal, 2010
Vintage Me, 2009
She King, 2009
Young Echo, 2009
Twirl Fool, 2009
Ages Spent, 2009
Sunken Glory, 2009
The Taker, 2009
Luv U!!!, 2009
You Mother, 2008
Hard Wired, 2008
Collared, 2008
Carrot Top, 2008
Gold Digger, 2008
Cherry Head, 2008
Ribbons & Bows, 2008
Remnant, 2008
Pucci Blowout, 2008
Star Power, 2006
Molehill Mountain, 2006
Above Beyond, 2006
Princess Weigh In, 2006
Rise and Roll, 2006
War Baby, 2006
Go Go, 2006
Romp, 2006
Still Counting, 2006
Token, 2006
Patriotic Salute, 2006
Corner Lot, 2011

acrylic ink, flashe, metal leaf, and gouache on Yupo

84" x 120"

Arm In Arm in Arm, 2010

acrylic ink, flashe, enamel pen, permanent marker on Yupo

60" x 76"

Habber Dashed, 2010

acrylic ink and flashe on Yupo

26" x 20"

In The Evening, 2010

acrylic ink, flashe, gouache, enamel pen, permanent marker on Yupo

96" x 60"


Night Beat, 2010

acrylic ink and flashe on Yupo

84" x 60"

In The Fold, 2010

acrylic ink, wallpaper, flashe on Yupo

40" x 26" (sold)

Pillow Road, 2010

acrylic ink, flashe, gouache and gold leaf on Yupo

60" x 96"

Silver Dream, 2010

acrylic ink and silver leaf on Yupo

26" x 40"

Love In Plasma, 2010

acrylic ink, flashe, gouache and silver leaf on Yupo

96" x 60"

Poisoned Optimist, 2010

acrylic ink, flashe, gouache, enamel pen, permanent marker on Yupo

60" x 48" (sold)

Roll Back, 2010

acrylic ink, flashe, silver leaf and permanent marker on Yupo

55" x 48"

In Them Hills, 2010

mixed media on Yupo

60" x 48" (sold)

Forever Blue, 2010

acrylic ink and flashe  on Yupo

26" x 20

Mumbai Holiday, 2010

mixed media on Yupo

40" x 26" (sold)

Lakeside Arsenal, 2010

acrylic ink, flashe and gouache on Yupo

40" x 26"

Vintage Me, 2009

mixed media on Yupo

40" x 26"

She King, 2009

mixed media on Yupo

40" x 26" (sold)

Young Echo, 2009

mixed media on Yupo

40" x 26"

Twirl Fool, 2009

mixed media on Yupo

40" x 26" (sold)

Ages Spent, 2009

mixed media on Yupo

40" x 26" (sold)

Sunken Glory, 2009

mixed media on Yupo

40" x 26" (sold)

The Taker, 2009

mixed media on Yupo

40" x 26" 

Luv U!!!, 2009

mixed media on Yupo

40" x 26"

You Mother, 2008

acrylic ink, gouache and flashe on Yupo

60" x 48"

Hard Wired, 2008

mixed media on Yupo

60" x 48" (sold)

Collared, 2008

mixed media on Yupo

26" x 20" 

Carrot Top, 2008

mixed media on Yupo

26" x 20" (sold)

Gold Digger, 2008

mixed media on Yupo

26" x 20"

Cherry Head, 2008

mixed media on Yupo

26" x 20" (sold)

Ribbons & Bows, 2008

mixed media on Yupo

26" x 20"

Remnant, 2008

mixed media on Yupo

60" x 48"

Pucci Blowout, 2008

mixed media on Yupo

26" x 20" (sold)

Star Power, 2006

acrylic on linen

72" x 48"

Molehill Mountain, 2006

acrylic on linen

60" x 60"

Above Beyond, 2006

acrylic and enamel on linen

48" x 72"

Princess Weigh In, 2006

acrylic and mixed media on linen

60" x 60"

Rise and Roll, 2006

acrylic and mixed media on linen

36" x 36"

War Baby, 2006

acrylic, enamel and permanent marker on canvas

35" x 35"

Go Go, 2006

acrylic, enamel and permanent marker on linen

24" x 24"

Romp, 2006

acrylic, gouache, permanent marker and spray paint on linen

24" x 24"

Still Counting, 2006

acrylic, gouache and permanent marker on linen

24" x 24"

Token, 2006

acrylic, gouache and permanent marker on linen

24" x 20"

Patriotic Salute, 2006

acrylic, gouache and permanent marker on linen

24" x 24"

show thumbnails